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Questions and answers

In which sector of the economy can content transformation be applied?

The transformation from face-to-face to virtual content is transversal, it can be applied to any sector of the economy where there is a need for education or training.

How long can a virtual training project be developed?

Times are relative, they depend on different organizational variables, but a custom project, with a medium complexity, ranges from two to six months of production.

What is the difference between a face-to-face training experience and an online training proposal?

There are many differences, but in essence it can be said that an online or virtual training experience is built by a team of professionals where the user is the center of learning and communication is mediated by technology.

Why is a platform required to deliver a virtual learning experience?

Because the platform or LMS is the equivalent of the face-to-face space where users and the content expert interact, it is the space where the learning experience takes place, in the virtual environment it is known as the virtual learning environment (VLE).