Virtual training for microentrepreneurs

We thank our client BD Guidance for trusting our work and allowing us to support the Digital Entrepreneur project led by MinTIC, we developed sixteen (16) Virtual Learning Objects for the areas of Administration, Productivity and Operations that are part of the Virtual Platform for MSMEs Colombian.

It sought to strengthen the digital skills of microentrepreneurs, through the adoption and appropriation of technologies and thus transform Mipymes and increase their competitiveness and productivity.

In eight (8) months of operation, about 55,500 entrepreneurs accessed the offer of the Digital Entrepreneur virtual platform. Distributed like this:
Bogotá with 27.5% of the participation, Antioquia with 13%, and Atlántico with 12%.



Within the framework of the Digital Transformation Strategy, led by the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies (MinTIC), through the Digital Entrepreneur project, BD Guidance was part of the Mypime Digital Transformation Temporary Union. BD Guidance facilitates the application of information technology knowledge and participates in the creation of programs together with businessmen, government ministries, industry associations and entrepreneurs. These programs are developed through collaborative alliances with companies that impact the community and the ecosystem of the technology sector, the users of the programs and the commercial and business sector.


En el marco de la Estrategia de Transformación digital, liderada por el Ministerio de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (MinTIC), a través del proyecto Empresario Digital, BD Guidance hizo parte de la Unión Temporal Transformación Digital Mypime. BD Guidance facilita la aplicación del conocimiento en tecnologías de la información y participa en la creación de programas junto a empresarios, ministerios de gobierno, gremios de industrias y emprendedores. Estos programas se desarrollan mediante alianzas colaborativas con empresas que impactan la comunidad y el ecosistema del sector de la tecnología, los usuarios de los programas y el sector comercial y empresarial.

Some objectives of MinTIC were:

Portada ED

  1. The Digital Entrepreneur program sought to benefit around one hundred thousand entrepreneurs (100.000), through virtual training in four (4) areas, identified in the characterization study.
    • E- commerce
    • Strategic planning and decision making
    • Administration
    • Productivity and Operations
  1. Help micro-entrepreneurs take the step from digitization to the digital transformation of their business.
  2. Generate short courses between 2 to 5 hours, designed in an intuitive and easy to understand language, applicable to the businesses of micro entrepreneurs throughout the country.
  3. Raise awareness among microentrepreneurs about the advantages and opportunities offered by the digital economy.

At Clickactiva we contribute to the challenge posed by the ICT Ministry, developing virtual courses, following quality standards and following the guidelines indicated in the pedagogical model designed for this project, aimed at micro-entrepreneurs throughout the country.


Testimony of Juan Pablo Gutierrez -  Microentrepreneur who participated in the Digital Entrepreneur program.


MinTIC continues to develop strategies and programs aimed at companies, to diagnose the level of technological maturity, as well as advance in its digital transformation path.
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